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Danish Startups Take a Leap Forward in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley, the global epicenter of innovation and entrepreneurship, recently played host to eleven promising Danish startups. These companies were part of the LEAP FORWARD Accelerator Program, an initiative designed to immerse founders of companies with international potential in the world’s most renowned tech ecosystem. The program, a collaboration between Innovation Centre Denmark, Found Diverse, and Intentional, funded by Industriens Fond, offered a unique opportunity to decode the secrets of Silicon Valley.

Unveiling the secrets of Silicon Valley


The startups’ journey began in Palo Alto, where founders were introduced to the world’s number one tech hub with a clear mission: to understand the intricacies of Silicon Valley’s success. This kicked off a week of intensive learning, networking, and exposure to cutting-edge innovation.


One of the early highlights of the week was a visit to the Plug and Play Tech Center. The global venture capitalist provides entrepreneurs with access to funding, mentorship, and corporate partnerships. For the Danish startups, it was a firsthand experience of Silicon Valley’s collaborative spirit, learning the essentials of product development, strategic growth, and the unique startup culture that characterizes the area. Something serial entrepreneur Ray Ranga also touched upon as he shared his learnings and valuable insights with the group.


Immersed in innovation


The program’s itinerary was packed with visits to pioneering companies and insightful sessions. A visit to ElectricFish, a company providing flexible microgrid solutions to quickly enable fast electric vehicle charging and backup energy resources at grid-constrained sites, demonstrated how innovative ideas can scale rapidly with the right support. These visits were complemented by networking lunches and expert sessions, providing invaluable advice on thriving in a competitive market.


An impactful session by by Dr. Daisy Robinton, founder of Oviva Therapeutics, zoomed into the biotech industry's potential, led. She discussed pioneering therapeutics, providing participants with a deep understanding of how innovative biotech solutions can revolutionize health care. This session underscored the importance of scientific advancement and its role in driving startup success in Silicon Valley’s competitive landscape.


Mastering the art of the pitch


Pitching is a double-edged sword, offering both a significant opportunity and a major challenge. The startups had the chance to test their ability to present their ideas clearly and convincingly to a panel of seasoned investors and mentors. The feedback was candid and constructive, giving each startup a clear roadmap for refining their pitches and strategies.


Highlighting the impact of getting your pitch right, the startups met Jennifer Dionne, Co-Founder of Pumpkinseed Technology, who shared her founder story and advice on early-stage innovation, and Gabrielle Halberg shared keen insights to what it takes to make a difference in the Silicon Valley VC ecosystem where showing resilience and adaptability is key.


Cultural insights and strategic reflection


Lastly, the accelerator program dedicated time to understanding the key drivers of success in the United States. A visit to Orrick, a law firm renowned for its expertise in venture-backed companies, provided invaluable insights from Partner Shannon Yavorsky and Partner Alexandra Wood into the legal and cultural frameworks that underpin innovation. This was complemented by a session led by Jill Finlayson, Managing Director at CITRIS at UC Berkeley, who emphasized the critical role of inclusive practices and ethical considerations in innovation, artificial intelligence, and technology development.


For Hao Yin, CEO of TEGnology, the experience in Silicon Valley was highly enlightening. Specializing in converting industrial excess heat into green electricity, TEGnology found the program beneficial at multiple levels. Hao emphasized the importance of networking and the spirit of giving intrinsic to Silicon Valley’s culture.

quote ikon
Silicon Valley is not a place; it’s a culture. Networking and business growth start from sharing and giving. Giving is not about how much you have but an attitude and belief in a better future.
Hao Yin Founder and CEO, TEGnology

Hao’s advice to other startups was clear: focus on sustainable growth and business development rather than relying solely on external investments. His experience highlighted the value of thinking globally from the outset and leveraging insights gained to drive long-term success.


Catalyzing global ambitions


As the LEAP FORWARD Accelerator Program concluded, the Danish startups could return home with a wealth of knowledge, input for business strategies, and expanded networks. By mixing practical experiences and direct interactions with the Silicon Valley network, the startups are equipped with tools needed to navigate international markets and scale their businesses effectively.


For TEGnology, the next steps involve allocating more resources to building relationships with corporate customers and partners, even if this requires a longer conversion timeline. The insights gained from the program will inform their strategic decisions, enabling them to leverage their innovative technology for significant societal impact. Additionally, the company is eager to return to Silicon Valley for ongoing networking, inspiration, and to further immerse themselves in the unique culture that drives Silicon Valley’s success.


The LEAP Forward Accelerator Program and the market visit in Silicon Valley has provided the Danish startups with a deeper understanding of the venture capital ecosystem and forged connections essential for leaping forward in the fast-paced world of innovation.

About the LEAP FORWARD accelerator program

LEAP FORWARD is a 5-month equity free accelerator program that enables Danish startups with international potential to grow in new markets. The program is run by INTENTIONAL with support from Found Diverse and Industriens Fond. Over the course of 5 months, founders get the opportunity to develop the business and leadership skills needed to internationalize. As part of this, the companies receive tailored advisory. During the program in Silicon Valley, Innovation Centre Denmark partnered with INTENTIONAL and helped Danish startups decode the world's number one venture capital ecosystem.

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