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An Entrepreneurial Journey: From Danish Student to CEO in Silicon Valley

Stephanie Michelsen went from being a Danish university student to successful CEO of a Silicon Valley start-up. With Jellatech, Stephanie is making sustainable bio-identical collagen for an industry typically relying on environmentally unsustainable animal collagen. Through the International BioInnovation Scholarship Program, aspiring researchers gain an innovative, entrepreneurial mindset, enabling commercialization of new discoveries. Read how Stephanie successfully took her idea from lab to market.

Every day, young scientists are making great discoveries that make the Danish BioInnovation and research scene strong and well developed. However, discoveries and ideas often stay in the lab, as academics often lack the know-how and experience to commercialize their research into valuable solutions. Stephanie Michelsen is an exception, after participating in the International BioInnovation Scholarship Program (formerly known as International Innovation Project (2IP)) in Silicon Valley, she took her idea from lab to market and build her own biotech start-up and has through impactful entrepreneurship made it to Forbes 30 under 30 list for 2022 and closed a USD $3 million pre-seed fundraise.

Stephanie has always had a vision of becoming an entrepreneur. That is why Stephanie applied for the International Bioinnovation Scholarship Program, funded by Novo Nordisk Foundation and run by Innovation Centre Denmark Silicon Valley, which gave her the opportunity to do a five-month research project as part of her studies in a Silicon Valley biotech start-up:

quote ikon
I applied because I feel that my university degree gives you a lot of theoretical skills, but it does not really teach you how to apply them sometimes. So when I saw an opportunity to go abroad and get actual experience in a biotech start-up I immediately knew I wanted to apply
Stephanie Michelsen Founder of Jellatech
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During the Spring semester 2019, Stephanie went through the program where she did a research project as part of the alternative protein start-up, Wild Earth Inc. Here, Stephanie was introduced to the alternative proteins space. Upon returning to Denmark, Stephanie finished her master thesis about alternative proteins and has now founded her own biotech company called Jellatech.

Jellatech is a B2B biotechnology company developing sustainable, cruelty-free proteins using cellular agriculture. Using their technology platform the company is able to produce high quality proteins without the compromise. Jellatech recently announced its successful production of the world’s first bio-identical collagen, made sustainably and cruelty-free. Next for the company is their upcoming seed fundraise to scale up and move towards commercialization as well as expanding their protein portfolio.

From science student to building a successful start-up

Stephanie holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology from the University of Copenhagen followed by a Master’s Degree in Engineering in Biotechnology from the Technical University of Denmark. While studying, Stephanie gained valuable technical skills within life-science research. Stephanie always had a desire to build her own business within biotechnology – but the path to entrepreneurship was not something her university studies taught her. Ultimately, in 2019, she applied for the International Bioinnovation Scholarship Program that combines research and academic competencies with innovation and entrepreneurship. As she explains:

quote ikon
The Scholarship Program has undoubtedly kickstarted my entrepreneurial journey. Associating with life science students and US based startups in an ecosystem like Silicon Valley for 5 months gives you advantageous skills you never would gain in Denmark. If you have an outgoing mindset, the possibilities are limitless.
Stephanie Michelsen Founder of Jellatech
According to Stephanie, the International Bioinnovation Scholarship Program was a launch pad for her biotech startup. “Not only did the program inspire the research for my master thesis about alternative proteins in Denmark, but the experience has been the main pillar for the launch of my own startup. I built an amazing network which helped tremendously when building Jellatech.

about Jellatech

Jellatech is a B2B biotechnology company developing sustainable, cruelty-free and scalable proteins using cellular agriculture. Using their technology platform the company is able to produce high quality proteins without the compromise. Jellatech recently announced its successful production of the world’s first bio-identical collagen, made sustainably and cruelty-free.
Collagen is an important and widely used protein that comes with a burden on the environment. Collagen and its derivative gelatin are used in various applications in different industries such as food & beverage, personal care, biomedical and materials. Jellatech's collagen is completely identical to that derived from animals - but without the compromise.

Why Silicon Valley?

When it comes to the alternative protein industry, Silicon Valley has one of the most connected ecosystems within the field. Stephanie’s story and experience with the International Bioinnovation Scholarship Program demonstrates how an intersection between research, education and innovation can foster new knowledge, shape ideas and create a springboard to an international career within the bioinnovation field. Not only does these skills serve the students in their field, they also shape the entrepreneurial mindset and make an impact on their path to a bioinnovation career.

This calls for an investment not only in great talent, but also for an investment in an ecosystem that can support these great talents.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded a grant of DKK 11.2 million to continue the International Bioinnovation Scholarship Program that will be run by Innovation Centre Denmark in Silicon Valley. 

The program currently have open call with deadline March 15, 2023, so if you are a Master students at Danish Universities eager to learn entrepreneurship hands on while spending five months in Silicon Valley, read more at International BioInnovation Scholarship Programme

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